Monday, June 1, 2009

The Long Weekend

In the long weekend I went to my brothers house and my cousins. We went to Civic Video and hired some games and movies. The movies we got were Australia, Quarantine and The Day the earth stood still. We played Guitar Hero for the rest of the night. The next day we played a game of rugby outside. He was better then me, I didn't get any. tries. The next day I went to my cousins house. It was really cool because my mum gave us $20 each. We went down to the Selwyn four square and brought $10 worth of lollies. That means we had 2oo lollies all together. We only ended up eating 52 of them.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Web Challenge

This year our class is having a web challenge. Each group has a topic. My group is doing a 5 page research on China. Our pages are our cover page, language and other Chinese things. Where learning a lot about it to. We also found heaps of information on how Chinese culture affects us. We planned a lot in our booklets.

Monday, May 4, 2009

My holidays

During the holidays I visited my brother's in Wellington for a week. I took down $100 to spend. First I visited my brother in Porirua.We went to get McDonald and clothes. The next day we went to Video Ezy and hired some movies. We got Pineapple Express, Saw V, Harold and Kumar and Madagascar 2. Saw V was pretty scary. The others were funny. The next day we went to my other brother who lives in Phatony before he goes to Australia. For the rest of the week we just watched TV.

Monday, April 27, 2009

About Me

Hi name is Pinto and I am 12 years old. I live in Rotorua and I go to Kaitao Middle School. I have 3 older brothers, one lives in Australia, another lives in Wellington and the other lives in Rotorua with me. There names are Henare, Rawiri and Shane. My mum and dads names are Rosalie and David.

My Academy at school is Discovery, our teachers are Mrs Edwards, Mrs Goldsworthy and Whaea Jane. My class is Room4 and my teacher is Mrs Goldsworthy. We learn a lot of stuff on the computer that we sometimes don't know. I got friends from the academies too, which are Accelerate, Enterprise, Challenge, Expressive, Rumaki and Adventure. In my Technology my mates are Jimmy, JJ, Alistair and Elim. At school I like to draw and play rugby and at home I like watching TV, jumping on my trampoline, riding my bike, listening to music and playing games on my PS3.

I am a school leader at Kaitao. We sometimes go on trips like last year we went to Lynmore Primary School where we met celebrity's like Russel Harrison from the lotto and other people from TV or haven't been on TV for awhile. That's also where we learned the responsibility's of a leader. We even did challenges where we had to work together with kids from other schools. We also had a leadership camp, the leaders had to sleep in the hall. It was hard to go to sleep because a lot of people were snoring. In the school holidays I went to Wellington to see my brothers and brought stuff from the shops and watched TV. That's all the information about me, what I do and what I've done.